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Hubert Habig
Barbara Wachendorff

Jutta Glaser
Motz Tietze
Tina Hüther

Sven Djurovic
Emrah Demir
Jutta Glaser
Laura Alvarez
Melina Schöfer
Elisabeth Schlicksupp
Dominic Fuchs
Daniel Mann
Matthias Paul

Amandou Bah
Buba Jawara
Javid Hosseini
Sadegh Rezai
Zafiulla Zahir

/Brotherly Battle

Karlstorbahnhofe Heidelberg, Premiere: March 25th, 2017

BRUDERKAMPF, Desire of Immortality is a theatre play written by the German author and director Hubert Habig.
In a sequence of chronologically progressive scenes it tells the story of Aslan and Ali, two brothers from an unspecified Muslim country, who were stranded in a collective accommodation and got stuck there.
The play begins about a year after the brothers' arrival in the West.
While the underage Ali makes great efforts to conform to the western reality, the older brother starts to develop his own values and ideas, which supposedly correspond to the value system of his homeland.
The new religious orientation gives him self-confidence and support and connects him to the so called ‘brothers of the community’.
The representatives of the German support systems watch helplessly as Aslan becomes more and more radicalized.
The play has been performed by a young international cast which showed a huge range of vitality and creativity.
The RNZ, a daily Newspaper of Heidelberg, wrote:
“In the liquid, dense staging by Barbara Wachendorff, who proves a great sense for the boiling drama of this fraternal conflict, it becomes clear what a frightening role the seduction and delusion of still immature personalities by apparent authorities plays”.